Employment terminal and other benefits
The employee terminal benefits are fixed entitlements of an employee upon termination of an employment contract under the law.
For example any remuneration for work done before termination, leave, severance pay, compensation, health compensation, employee savings, terminal benefits among others.
Work Permit
This is a legal licence granted to foreigners to work in another country. All foreigners that intending to work in Uganda for example apply for a work permit under different categories like Government and Diplomatic Services, Government Contractors, Investment Agriculture, Mining, Business trade, manufacture, professionals, Volunteers, NGO Workers & Missionary and foreign employees.
Investment Licence
These are issued by Uganda Investment Authority to both domestic and foreign companies. Acquiring an Investment licence from the Uganda Investment Agency is a mandatory requirement for foreign investors as it is the instrument that legalises the investment in Uganda.
Travel Document
It is an identity document issued by a government to its citizens or an international treaty organisation to facilities the movement of individuals or small people across international boundaries.
Retirement Benefits and Regulation of Pension Schemes
Retirement benefits are payable to the member of the person scheme on retirement or earlier withdrawal from service including retirement pension, retirement lump sum or gratuities.
The Pension Act Cap 281 regulates the payment of pension for all civil servants in Uganda.
Safety and workman compensation
Provides for the safety of employees in a working environment and the injuries suffered while in the course of their employment and at the facilities.